
International Students

We want you to be a Bishop Diego Cardinal!

Welcome to Bishop Diego's CARE, SUPPORT, and NURTURE international program.  Here at Bishop Diego, we are dedicated to the well-being of our international students.  Bishop Diego has a dedicated International Program Coordinator, Mr. Eggman, that works with our international students on a daily basis.  He is available each and every day to help his students achieve success both personally and academically.  If students are struggling with anything, Mr. Eggman will work to solve the issue as quickly as possible.  Take for example if a student is struggling in English in one of their classes, Mr. Eggman will contact the student's teachers to find ways to help them to succeed.  Few American High Schools are able to offer their international students such individualized care.

How to apply to Bishop Diego

Students outside of China applying to Bishop requiring a form I-20 who have not been referred by a partner agency must complete Bishop Diego High School's online application and email, Mr. Eggman, at to make arrangements to complete a Skype or Zoom interview and submit other documentation such as their transcripts.  If the applying student is in need of a homestay, they should apply at The Cambridge Network or StudentRoomStay. The Cambridge Network and StudentRoomStay specialize in providing a safe, easy, and world-class homestay experience.

Students from China should apply to Bishop Diego through The Cambridge Network. Our partnership with The Cambridge Network ensures the best possible situation for students coming from China. The Cambridge Network’s international student program prepares students for life abroad prior to arriving at Bishop Diego High School and continues to provide international students with on-going support throughout the school year. To submit an application or if you have any questions, please contact our consultants at The Cambridge Network at


Bishop Diego High School has a dedicated International Program Coordinator that is available to answer any question you may have.  Please feel free to contact him at
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